Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To a friend, visiting

25th August, 2009

Dear Houseguest,

The cats and dogs are permanent residents.

You are a visitor – one that we love very much, but it would not be wise to ask us to choose between you.

Enjoy your stay.



  1. Love the format - please write more! Letters are like poems and short stories.

  2. I think this is a really creative and interesting blog. I like the crisp layout and the material it covers is very interesting. It would be interesting to see what other type of letters will be covered in addition to personal notes.

  3. I agree with the other posts - your blog has a great format, so many opportunities to express a thought or emotion in few words, and it's also like you're reading others' private thoughts, which is intriguing. Keep it up!

  4. How about one called "To a mother-in-law, visiting"? :) I love these posts.

  5. LOVE these posts! So entertaining! Keep them coming!

  6. Oooh, "To a mother-in-law, visiting". I love that idea! Please feel welcome to send me a post - I will be happy to credit it to you - real name or fake.

    Thank you for the very kind comments.

    Now that the system is fully functional at the house I am going to catch up on the blogs of all my Gotham colleagues.

    And then so help me I'm going to post "To a boss, delusional" ....
